Christway will celebrate her 19th Church Anniversary on Sunday October 27th when Rev. Earnest Merritt, Associate Minister at St. John Missionary Baptist Church, will deliver the 10:15 a.m. Anniversary Message, and Rev. Corey Wiley and the Holy Cross Baptist Church Family will be the special guest for the 3:00 p.m. Anniversary Celebration. The theme for the Anniversary is: Christ, Our Hope, Our Answer, with Jeremiah 29:13 as the scripture for the theme. A Church Fellowship Meal will be served following the 10:15 Worship Service on October 27th, the colors for the Church Anniversary Celebration are burgundy and gold. please see an Usher today for our Special Anniversary Offering envelopes
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Earlier Event: October 1
Free Breast Screenings
Later Event: October 28
Union District Baptist Association Fall Banquet